Archival On-Demand Education

2022 Online Forensic Symposium

When: This event occurred on May 16th - May 20th, 2022 from 8:45am - 12pm ET.  All presentations and material have been archived for you to access as On-Demand content.

Welcome to the 2022 Current Trends Symposium on Forensic Toxicology. Now in its 5th year, this On-line Symposium has gained a reputation for creating a sense of community for forensic practitioners across the globe while disseminating timely and impactful information from recognized experts in their respective disciplines – a feat accomplished with no registration fee and no travel costs.

for Forensic Pathologists, Toxicologists, and Death Investigators: 2022
Module II

This event originally occurred on April 20th and 22nd, 2022 from 12pm – 4pm (EST) each day. All presentations and material have been archived for you to access as On-Demand content.

This course focuses on deepening understanding of drug involved death, leading to the interpretation of toxicology results as they relate to determining if drugs caused or contributed to death. It reviews toxicology and pharmacology including mechanisms of how drugs cause death. Drug categories addressed include illicit, prescribed, and over-the-counter medications with a focus on opioids, stimulants, and novel psychoactive substances. It will review the NAME autopsy guidelines and CDC guidance for the certification of drug caused and related death. Special attention will be paid to accurately recording of all drugs relevant to the cause of death in keeping with CDC requirements. The module will include an overview of what happens in the toxicology laboratory, basics of how testing is approached, sampling and storage best practices, matrix types, laboratory methods, and drug concentration evaluation are reviewed. The recommended approach for completion of the death certificate will be reviewed, with critical concepts being illustrated through case examples.

Best Practices in the Clinical and Forensic Laboratory

This event originally occurred on April 26th - 28th, 2022 from 10am – 12pm(EST) each day. All presentations and material have been archived for you to access as On-Demand content.

The International Alliance of Clinical and Forensic Toxicologists (IACFT), your free, virtual, and multilingual association, is welcoming you to attend its 3-day, Spring 2022 Virtual Meeting.

Module I

This event originally occurred on March 16th and 17th, 2022 from 12pm  – 4pm (EST) each day. All presentations and material have been archived for you to access as On-Demand content.

This is an introductory module concerning the investigation of death scenes with a focus on drug overdose and drug related deaths. Its primary purpose is to introduce new death investigators, coroners, and law enforcement personnel to best practices of drug death scene investigation and documentation. It will introduce major drug categories encountered in drug deaths, and their effects, personal protection from potential drug exposure at scenes, medication/prescription records review, an overview of laboratory practices that assists in evaluation of drug involvement causing death and working with toxicologists to order appropriate testing and result interpretation.

Crime Scene Evidence and Pattern Evidence Education

This 3 Part Series began on February 9th, 2022.  All presentations and material have been archived for you to access as On-Demand content.

Forensic Science has exploded in popularity over the last two decades with no signs of a slowdown in the foreseeable future. Colleges and universities across the United States have been responsive to increased student interest and heightened job growth in this discipline by creation of forensic sciences programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. For this reason, the CFSRE and Loyola University have collaborated on a 3 part webinar series that will discuss 3D firearm parts and “ghost guns”, Forensic Entomology, as well as looking at the future of Forensic Pattern Analysis.

2022 Online Forensic Symposium

This event originally occurred on January 24th – 28th, 2022 from 8:45am – 12pm EST each day.  All presentations and material have been archived for you to access as On-Demand content.

Welcome to the 2022 Current Trends Symposium on Seized Drug Analysis. Now in its 5th year, this On-line Symposium has gained a reputation for creating a sense of community for forensic practitioners across the globe while disseminating timely and impactful information from recognized experts in their respective discipline – a feat accomplished with no registration fee and no travel costs.

Using Supported Liquid Extraction and LC/QTOF-MS

This event originally occurred on January 19th, 2022 from 1pm  – 2:30pm (EST). All presentations and material have been archived for you to access as On-Demand content.

Immunoassays (IA) have offered sufficient sensitivity in toxicology for many decades. However, it lacks specificity and introduces technical challenges associated with identifying a growing number of new psychoactive substances (NPS). In contrast, mass spectrometry (MS)-based techniques can be used to simultaneously identify a broader scope of compounds with multiple data acquisition modes and retrospective data analysis. Many complex biological matrices are encountered in these investigations, although blood is the most encountered biofluid. The extraction of multiple drugs with different physicochemical properties using a single protocol can be challenging. As such, many MS-based screening methods do not include cannabinoids, and laboratories still rely on IA-based detection.

The International Alliance of Clinical and Forensic Toxicologists (IACFT), your free, virtual, and multilingual association, is dedicating its Autumn 2021 Virtual Meeting to URINE. Urine is the biological specimen with the multitude of both functionalities and pitfalls when used in the clinical or forensic toxicology decision making.

This course is ON-DEMAND and can be taken at your own pace. The course is 10 modules, with each module lasting 2 full hours.

2021 Online Forensic Symposium

WELCOME!! The scientific content for Current Trends in Seized Drug Analysis was selected by Program Chair Ruth Waddell-Smith, PhD, Director of the Forensic Science Program at Michigan State University (USA) and Irene Breum-Muller, PhD, University of Copenhagen, and Chair of the ENFSI Drug Working Group. The event, which is open to students, researchers, and practitioners offers access to internationally renowned experts and is approved for recertification credit by the American Board of Criminalists (ABC). As always with events in the Online Forensic Symposium Series, there is no registration fee and no travel costs so one can learn without leaving the lab!