Since 2016, scientists at the CFSRE have been working on the assessment of portable tools for the analysis of seized material in the field. Additionally, the CFSRE is committed to evaluating new and emerging technology with forensic chemistry applications designed to streamline workflows or improve analytical capabilities.



  • Providing independent evaluations on emerging tools and technology.
  • Assessment of instrumentation designed for in-field use.
  • Advancing the field of forensic chemistry with creative solutions.


The research on emerging technologies for seized drugs being conducted by the CFSRE includes development and validation of methods as part of the assessment of new instrumentation. The CFSRE has assessed a Portable Quadrupole-Based Gad Chromatography Mass Spectrometry for analysis of drugs and adulterants.



Peer Reviewed Publications

  • Tais R Fiorentin, Barry K Logan, David M Martin, Thom Browne, Eric F Rieders. Technical Note: Assessment of a Portable Quadrupole-Based Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry for Seized Drug Analysis. Forensic Science International, Volume 313, May 2020, Page 110342. http://10.1016/j.forsciint.2020.110342


  • Tais R Fiorentin, David M Martin, Thom Browne, Barry K Logan, Eric F Rieders. Portable Quadrupole-Based GCMS Validation and Analysis of Drug Samples. 25° Congresso Nacional de Criminalística. 2019 Annual Meeting. Poster Presentation.
  • Tias R. Fiorentin. Portable Quadrupole-Based Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Versus a GC/MS Benchtop System: An Analytical Comparison. American Academy of Forensic Sciences. 2019 Annual Meeting. Poster Presentation.

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