for Forensic Pathologists, Toxicologists, and Death Investigators: 2022
Module II
This event originally occurred on April 20th and 22nd, 2022 from 12pm – 4pm (EST) each day. All presentations and material have been archived for you to access as On-Demand content.
This course focuses on deepening understanding of drug involved death, leading to the interpretation of toxicology results as they relate to determining if drugs caused or contributed to death. It reviews toxicology and pharmacology including mechanisms of how drugs cause death. Drug categories addressed include illicit, prescribed, and over-the-counter medications with a focus on opioids, stimulants, and novel psychoactive substances. It will review the NAME autopsy guidelines and CDC guidance for the certification of drug caused and related death. Special attention will be paid to accurately recording of all drugs relevant to the cause of death in keeping with CDC requirements. The module will include an overview of what happens in the toxicology laboratory, basics of how testing is approached, sampling and storage best practices, matrix types, laboratory methods, and drug concentration evaluation are reviewed. The recommended approach for completion of the death certificate will be reviewed, with critical concepts being illustrated through case examples.

The CFSRE is pleased to offer this extensive three-module series on Investigation and certification of drug related deaths. The series is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI). Registration is FREE to qualified registrants, and places are limited. This series of learning modules has been designed to complement existing resources for drug related death investigation, toxicological interpretation, and death certificate completion, as well as an overview of how medical examiner and coroner data is used for public health surveillance purposes.
There are three total modules structured as outlined below. Each module will include a summary/application section covering background and introduction, key concepts, and practical lessons-learned including casework experience examples.
The content will be provided by an outstanding roster of experts in death scene investigation, forensic pathology, and forensic toxicology, drawn from leading coroner and medical examiner offices and forensic laboratories across the United States.
Registrants can register for all or selected modules based on their experience and professional development needs.
* Medical and professional continuing education credits and approvals (up to 32 hours) have been applied for.
Organizing Committee:
- Barry Logan PhD, F-ABFT, Forensic Toxicologist (Chair, CFSRE, PA),
- Laura Labay PhD, F-ABFT, D-ABCC-TC, Forensic Toxicologist (Co-Chair, CFSRE PA)
- MJ Menendez JD, Chair, NAME Workforce Development Committee (NMS Labs)
- Brandi McCleskey MD, Forensic Pathologist, (Jefferson Co/UAB, AL)
- Stephanie Powers MD, Forensic Pathologist, (Cook County OME, IL)
- Erin Worrell, D-ABMDI (Denver County, CO)
Funding for this training was made possible by a cooperative agreement between the National Network of Public Health Institutes and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [6 NU38OT000303-03-02]. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.