AAFS: American Academy of Forensic Sciences Conference

YFSF: Young Forensic Scientists Forum Poster Award
The American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) is a multidisciplinary professional organization that provides leadership to advance science and its application to the legal system. We support the Young Forensic Scientists Forum Poster Award for two attendees.
2 – Student winners receive $500 Check each & a Plaque

NAME: National Association of Medical Examiners, Edward J. Barbieri Forensic Toxicology Award

This award is sponsored by the Fredric Rieders Family Foundation and is based on the quality of the manuscript and the content and style of the platform presentation display. The award is for platform presentations only; poster presentations are not eligible. The work should be scientific, innovative, informative, and practical. The topic of the research must be related to forensic toxicology and death investigation
Winner receives $500 Check & Plaque

IACT: International Association for Chemical Testing – Keynote Speaker Support

The International Association for Chemical Testing is an organization composed primarily of employees of governmental agencies involved in chemical testing related to traffic safety. We support the keynote speaker travel for their annual conference.
Sponsorship for Keynote Speaker Travel

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Current Trends in Forensic Toxicology Symposium
The Current Trends in Forensic Toxicology Symposium is a platform which allows for scientists in the forensic toxicology field to learn about the most up to date research, methods, findings and technology. We support the poster award for the symposium.
Poster Award winner receives $100

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Current Trends in Seized Drug Analysis Symposium
The Current Trends in Seized Drug Analysis Symposium is a platform which allows for interactions with scientists and law enforcement agencies worldwide to show how drug analysis methods and data can be used in the fight against drugs and organized crime. We support the poster award for the symposium.
Poster Award winner receives $100